Monday, July 20, 2009

Grocery shopping, and other random thoughts...

So today I moved into my flat. My room is almost as big as I am, but I love it anyway. My first project was to go grocery shopping.... my buddy took me last week, but I had not been alone, and wanted something besides bread and cheese to eat, and I had a better idea of what I needed to make a complete meal here (chocolate anyone?).

To get a cart here, you put a euro in a little slot, and your chosen cart detaches itself from all the other carts. When you re-attach it, you get your euro back. For the most part, finding things in the grocery store is easy. I managed to walk by the eggs twice before actually noticing them, and I guessed completely randomly on a toothpaste I would like, but many of the same brands exist here as do in the States.

One of my flat mates helped me a bit in the kitchen. Told me which burners don't work (the front two), and told me my chosen pan did not have a lid (at first he thought I was asking for oil. We both laughed when he figured out what I was really talking about). I fried up a potato with a few eggs, some pesto, and some cheese. I promise it was better than it sounds.

For those of you who don't know, I'm living in a co-ed flat. Disadvantages: the kitchen is always a mess, and there are sometimes some really awkward moments. Advantages: when your light goes "boom", there are three boys instantly in the room to look at it and decide if, when, and how it should be fixed. What to say to them: "Meine Lampe hat <> gesagt".

My landlord is amazing. I could probably go to him requesting an elephant as transportation and get it....

That's all for now...... I'm going shopping tomorrow with my buddy, so hopefully more pictures and stories on the way.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to those pictures of your flat! How far is the flat from the U?
