Sunday, December 11, 2011

Winter Update

This is the official winter update!

I haven't managed to write a lot recently, because school and extra stuff have been keeping me really busy. French is still really hard (there are more irregular verbs than regular ones, really), and with three instruments to practice, I don't have a lot of free times (especially because organ isn't exactly portable, which makes finding times to practice even harder).

Niki and I are coming to the States this winter! We'll be in San Diego from January 27th to February 3rd, and in Fort Collins from February 3rd to the 10th. Sorry it's short, but it's really all we can manage around school. Some teachers appear to not understand the concept of vacation.

This has been the warmest winter in a really long time in Switzerland. It still hasn't snowed where I live (it finally started snowing in the mountains, which the ski areas really appreciate). We've mostly been getting cold rain and fog, which is lovely, as I'm sure you can imagine. Don't be too jealous.

I managed to write the first draft of a novel during my train time last month... I really miss the orchestra that was giving me all those hours on the train, although I don't miss the train as much. But those trips made me realize just how beautiful Switzerland is.

That's all for now!

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